claim form

All scholarships are held in trust by the AHSRA for two (2) years and will be paid out upon proof of paid tuition for post-secondary education. 

Programs of study must meet the following criteria:

  • Provide at least 12 credits
  • Provide at least 240 instructional hours, or
  • Be an apprenticeship program established under the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act. 

When reviewing scholarship claims, the AHSRA will refer to the following resources to determine eligibility:

If you are unsure whether your program will qualify for eligibility, please contact the Provincial Secretary at 780-305-9640 or ahsraoffice@gmail.com.

We require:

  • A receipt equal to or greater than the amount of scholarship awarded. (Eligible expenses include tuition, books, housing, or other expenses incurred relating to your post secondary program.)
  • F1 forms are required for students attending post secondary in the US on scholarship. 
  • You must also supply a mailing address for the cheque to be mailed.  

Submit your scholarship claim with the form on this page.   

  • Cheques will be issued only three (3) times per year, October 15, January 15, April 15. 
  • Scholarship funds will not be released until complete documentation of paid tuition is received. 
  • AHSRA Merit Scholarships and Raffle Scholarships will be combined in one payment.  
  • Canadians Finals Scholarships, CPRA Scholarships and Grade 5/6 Incentives may be claimed on this form but will be paid on a separate cheque. 
AHSRA Scholarship Claim Form